Tuesday, September 30, 2008

New Week.... New Weight...?

Okay, I know all of you must be dying of suspense on whether or not my "obsession" so far has amounted to anything. Happily, I would like to report, that this past week was a successful one with 1.8 lbs lost. Great. Amazing. YEAH!

I found this quaint little park a few blocks from my home that has a walking trail around it of an approx. length of 1/3 of a mile. So yesterday, I walked three miles, and today two, but it was only less, because my son refused to fall asleep in the stroller, so by the 6th time around, he was complaining a little too loudly for me, or anyone in the park, to ignore, so we had to head back home a little earlier.

I think a small goal for me this week will be to consume more water. I don't drink enough, and I want to start drinking at least the minimum recommended amount, which is 64 oz. I believe. So hopefully that will at least make my skin more hydrated and healthier looking, though the downside is that I'll have to use the bathroom a whole lot more, which can be so inconvenient at times.

On another note, I was talking to my Dad on the phone today and he was explaining to me a little bit more about the economic crisis that our country's in, and it really made me think about food storage and being prepared as the Prophets have been telling us for years. So, I don't know if any of you are like me, but I've got nothing in the way of food storage, and not much that is really called "savings" as most of the money is to be used for my husband's education or expenses related to that. Thinking about all this and all these things being somehow tied together is making me anxious. I am putting items on my list to include as a food storage of some sort, probably by buying a 20lb bag of flour and rice and some canned goods I might be able to make into something. It's not much, but I think, I definitely need to start somewhere and start NOW.
But, for all you who are keeping track, here's this weeks weigh-in summary:

Beginning Weight 196.4
Today's Weight: 194.6, weight loss: -1.8
Week 2/6 Begining 9/30/2008
Goal: 10 pounds. minus week 1 loss = 8.2 pounds to GOAL


DeAnne said...

woo hoo! that's awesome! great job :)

Unknown said...


Crystyne said...

Great job! Keep it up!