Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Okay, so the other day, I was browsing the bookshelves at the library (my new hangout) and picked up the book "The Lost Memoirs of Jane Austen" by Syrie James. Though it is a work of fiction, it really felt as if Miss Jane Austen herself were writing the pages. I truly loved it, just as I love "Pride and Prejudice".
I finished the book this morning when I had a moment to myself, and I am glad I did, because I cried like a big baby. I knew at that moment that the book was really good, because it made me forget that it was only fiction, and I truly wept as if Miss Austen actually went through the events described in the book.
Anyway, I must give Mrs. James, the Author of "Memoirs" kudos, because it was her first novel, and I do believe the Miss Austen herself would find the novel a true gem. I am even willing to give it the very distinguished honor of being placed with my Jane Austen collection on my bookshelves.
So, to all of you who love Jane Austen, find this book, and get lost in the imaginary world of what might have been...

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